Thursday, April 28, 2011

First TV show

It was like 9:30am I got a call from a friend of mine asking me if I could be one of the camera operator for a TV show at 11am in midtown Manhattan. I went to bed only at 5:30am. But few things which really dragged me to accept this:
-First TV show
-Decent pay
-First time with HPX2000

And there was a big/medium sized Jimmy Jib inside the studio.
Here is the video of its operator testing it.... (and my finger in the frame.. Ugh! CINEMATOGRAPHERS THESE DAYS)

This is is ME standing by the camera mounted on this big boy..

Welllll.... I was not ready for the picture or I could have pulled my tummy in..... Thanks Tony(the one who shot this picture/the other camera operator/my good friend)

And this is my machine.... HPX2000

Ok, Im not into the camera review this time since I didn't play much with it. The settings were already decided and set. 

So ya, we shot an episode and I had no idea what they were talking about since it's an arabic. I was just following live orders from the video booth. It was fun. It's just that my frame was static MOST OF THE TIME- just on the host. I was asked to frame differently couple of times - din't work much though because of a tight frame. 

All I did was - stood by the camera, framed the anchor, pressed record, chewed my gum, got my pay cheque, back home.
